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IFMi, l’Institut Français de Micro-immunothérapie

Publications scientifiques

La micro-immunothérapie est une immunothérapie utilisant médiateurs immunitaires, comme les cytokines, 
en “low doses”. Voici la liste de travaux scientifiques à ce propos : 

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2024Jacques, C., Marchand, F. Chatelais, M., Albinet, V., Coustal, C., Floris, I.CancersThe Micro-Immunotherapy Medicine 2LPAPI® Displays Immune-Modulatory Effects in a Model of Human Papillomavirus Type-16 L1-Protein Capsid-Treated Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells and Antiproliferative Effects in a Model of Cervical Cancer Cells
2024Jacques, C., Marchand, F., Chatelais, M., Brulefert, A., Floris, I.LifeUnderstanding the Mode of Action of a Micro-Immunotherapy Formulation: Pre-Clinical Evidence from the Study of 2LEBV® Active Ingredients
2023Ferrà, M., Munar, M., Floris, I., Ramis, J.M., Monjo, M., García, L.International Journal of Molecular SciencesA Sequential Micro-Immunotherapy Medicine Increases Collagen Deposition in Human Gingival Fibroblasts and in an Engineered 3D Gingival Model under Inflammatory Conditions
2023Jacques, C., Floris, I.International Journal of Molecular SciencesHow an Immune-Factor-Based Formulation of Micro-Immunotherapy Could Interfere with the Physiological Processes Involved in the Atopic March
2023Jacques, C., Floris, I.Journal of Inflammation ReasearchSpecial Focus on the Cellular Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Several Micro-Immunotherapy Formulations: Considerations Regarding Intestinal-, Immune-Axis-Related- and Neuronal-Inflammation Contexts
2022Jacques, C., Chatelais, M., Fekir, K., Brulefert, A., Floris, I.International Journal of Molecular SciencesThe Unitary Micro-Immunotherapy Medicine Interferon-y (4 CH) Displays Similar Immunostimulatory and Immunomodulatory Effects than Those of Biologically Active Human Interferon-? on Various Cell Types
2022Jacques, C., Marchesi, I., Fiorentino, F. P., Chatelais, M., Libera, N., Appel, K., Lejeune, B., Floris, I.International Journal of Molecular SciencesA Micro-Immunotherapy Sequential Medicine MIM-seq Displays Immunomodulatory Effects on Human Macrophages and Anti-Tumor Properties towards In Vitro 2D and 3D Models of Colon Carcinoma and in an In Vivo Subcutaneous Xenograft Colon Carcinoma Model
2021Jacques, C., Lejeune, B., Floris, I.International Journal of Molecular SciencesUltra-Low Dose Cytokines in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Three Birds with One Stone as the Rationale of the 2LARTH® Micro-Immunotherapy Treatment
2020Ferrà, M., Munar, M. García, L. Lejeune, B. Ramis, J.M., Monjo, M.Journal of PeriodontologyBMP4 micro-immunotherapy increases collagen deposition and reduces PGE2 release in human gingival fibroblasts and increases tissue viability of engineered 3D gingiva under inflammatory conditions
2020Floris, I., García-González, V., Palomares, B., Appel, K., Lejeune, B.International Journal of RheumatologyThe Micro-Immunotherapy Medicine 2LARTH® Reduces Inflammation and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis In Vivo
2020Floris, I., Chenuet P., Togbe D., Volteau C., Lejeune B.Dose Response JournalPotential Role of the Micro-Immunotherapy Medicine 2LALERG® in the Treatment of Pollen-Induced Allergic Inflammation
2020Floris, I., Rose, T., Collado, J.A., Appel, K, Roesch, C., Lejeune, B.Dose Response JournalPro-Inflamatory Cytokines at Ultra-Low Dose Exert Anti-Inflammatory Effect In Vitro: A Possible Mode of Action Involving Sub-Micron Particles?
2019Lilli, N., Révy, D., Robelet, S., Lejeune, B.Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease – Dove Press journalEffect of the micro-immunotherapy medicine 2LPARK® on rat primary dopaminergic neurons after 6-OHDA injury: oxidative stress and survival evaluation in an in vitro model of Parkinson’s disease
2019Lilli, N., Révy, D., Volteau, C., Robelet, S., Lejeune, B.Biomedical & Life Sciences JournalEffect of 2LMISEN® on Long-Term Hippocampal Neurons Culture as a Screening Senescent Cells Model: p16INK4A and Caspase 3 Quantification
2018Floris, I., Lechner, J., Lejeune, B.Journal of Biological Regulators & Homeostatic AgentsFollow-up of patients with systemic immunological diseases undergoing fatty-degenerative osteolysis of the jawbone surgery and treated with RANTES 27CH
2018Floris, I., Appel, K., Thorsten, R., Lejeune, B.Journal of Inflammation Research2LARTH®, a micro-immunotherapy medicine exerts anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and reduces TNF-alpha and IL-1beta secretion
2018Mancini, F., Milardi, D., Carfagna, P., Grande, G., Miranda, V., De Cicco, A., Ricciardi, D., Pontecorvi, A., Marana, R., De Cicco, F.International ImmunopharmacologyLow-dose SKA Progesterone and Interleukin-10 modulate the inflammatory pathway in endometriotic cell lines
2017Marin-Martin, L.S., Giovannangeli, F., Bizzi, E., Massafra, U., Ballanti, E., Cassol, M., Migliore, A.GDrug Des Devel TherAn open randomized active-controlled clinical trial with low dose SKA cytokines versus DMARDs evaluating low disease activity maintenance in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
2017Tessaro, I., Modina, S., Lodde, V., Sivelli., Franciosi, F., Terzachi, L., Luchini, P., Rumio, C., Luciano, A.Journal of Reproductive InfertilityUltra-Low Dose of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Progesterone Attenuate the Severity of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Features in a Hyperandrogenized Mouse Model
2017Uberti, F., Bardelli, C., Morsanuto, V., Ghirlanda, S., Cochis A., Molinari, C.Cells, Tissues, Organs Stimulation of the Nonneuronal Cholinergic System by Highly Diluted Acetylcholine in Keratinocytes
2016Camps, A., Almolda, B., Gonzalez, B., Castellano, B.HomeopathyMicroimmunotherapeutic administration of cytokines improve the clinical symptoms in EAE an animal model of multiple sclerosis
2016Barygina, V., Becatti, M., Lotti, T., Moretti, S., Taddei N., Fiorillo, C.Journal of Dermatological ScienceLow dose cytokines reduce oxidative stress in primary lesional fibroblasts obtained from psoriatic patients
2016Fiorito, F., Cantiello, A., Granato, G.E., Navas, L., Diffidenti, C., De Martino, L., Maharajan, V., Olivieri, F., Pagnini, U., Lovane, G.Comp Immunol microbiol Infect Dis.Clinical improvement in feline herpesvirus 1 infected cats by oral low dose of interleukin-12 plus interferon-gamma
2016Thomas, G., Cluzel, H., Lafon, J., Bruhwyl, J., Lejeune, B.Advances in Infectious DiseasesEfficacy of 2LPAPI®, a Micro-Immunotherapy Drug, in Patients with High-Risk Papillomavirus Genital Infection
2015Barygina, V., Becatti, M., Lotti, T., Moretti, S., Taddei N., Fiorillo, C.Journal of Dermatological ScienceTreatment with low-dese cytokines reduces oxidative-mediated injury in perilesional keratinocytes from vitiligo skin
2015Lotti, T., Hercogovo, J., Wollina, U., Chokoeva, A.A., Zarrab, Z., Gianfaldoni, S., Roccia, M.G., Fioranelli, M., Tchernev, G.J Biol Regul Homeost AgentsVitiligo: successful combination treatment based on oral low dose cytokes and different topical treatments
2015Radice, E., Bellone, G., Miranda, V.Translational OncologyEnhancement of the Immunostimulatory Functions of Ex Vivo–Generated Dendritic Cells from Early-Stage Colon Cancer Patients by Consecutive Exposure to Low Doses of Sequential-Kinetic-Activated IL-4 and IL-12. A Preliminary Study
2013Cardani, D., Dusio, G., Luchini , P., Sciarabba, M., Solimene, U., Rumio, C.Gastroenterology ResearchOral Administration of Interleukin-10 and Anti-IL-1 Antibody Ameliorates Experimental Intestinal Inflammation
2012D’Amico, L., Ruffini, E., Ferracini, R., Roato, I.Journal of Cancer TherapyLow Dose of IL-12 Stimulates T Cell Response in Culters of PBMCs Derived from Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
2012Mazzoli, S., Cai, T., Meacci, F., Addonisio, P., Dorfman, P.International Journal of High Dilution ResearchHigh Risk Human Papillomavirus genital infections in asymptomatic population: effectiveness of Micro-Immunotherapy
2011Van der Brempt, X., Cumps, J., Capieaux, E.Revue Française d’AllergologieClinical efficacy of 2LALERG®, a new sublingual immunomodulatory treatment, in seasonal allergic rhinitis: A double-blind placebo-controlled study
2009Gariboldi, S., Palazzo, M., Zanobbio, L., Dusio, G., Mauro, V., Solimene, U., Cardani, D., Mantovani, M., Rumio, C.Pulmonary Pharmacology & TherapeuticsLow dose oral administration of cytokines for treatment of allergic asthma
2000Jenaer, M., Henry, MF., García, A., Marichal, B.British Homeopathic JournalEvaluation of 2LHERP® in preventing recurrences of genital herpes

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- prise en charge du système immunitaire : modulation immunitaire

- outil thérapeutique immunocompétent : traitement immunomodulateur

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